Matt Hatson’s deep dive into the psychology of high-performing teams at the APMP BIDx TBO conference has struck a chord with bid professionals everywhere. Drawing on the 2010 Chilean Mine disaster, Matt showed how lessons from crisis management can be applied directly to bid teams, providing actionable insights into building trust, fostering creativity, and delivering results under pressure.
Delegates particularly appreciated the practical template for assessing team performance during the bid and afterwards during lessons-learned reviews—a tool they could immediately implement. Enable’s strategies for accelerating a team’s journey to the Performing stage gave attendees a competitive edge, showing how cohesive, creative bid teams consistently outperform the competition.
So, why did it resonate so much? These aren’t just theories—they’re tested approaches Matt regularly applies through his work at Enable, helping organisations deliver compelling, high-quality bids under the tightest of deadlines.
At Enable, we specialise in enhancing team performance with services designed to tackle your organisation’s unique challenges—from bid management and capture support to leadership development and team dynamics workshops. If you’re ready to take your team to the next level, visit and let’s start a conversation about transforming your bids into wins.
#BidTeamPerformance #TeamDynamics #EnableSuccess #APMPBIDx